Support the Project
If you made it to this page, we’re ecstatic that you’d like to support the project! Please consider the options below to do so.
Purchase a Book
Pick up a copy of Introduction to Quarter Tone Composition or Quarter Tone Technique for Saxophone, or consider getting another book from Brandon Quinn.
All of these books are available on Quinn’s Amazon profile.
Submit Repertoire
Quarter tone repertoire is ever-growing. We’re doing our best to keep up, but the repertoire on this website will inevitably be incomplete.
If you know of repertoire that is missing from this site, or are a quarter tone composer yourself, please contact us with the details.
Buy me a Coffee
We also accept donations which will be used to offset costs for website maintenance, product advertising, and other operational expenses.
If you’d like to directly donate to the project, we accept donations via the author’s Buy Me a Coffee.