Quarter Tone Etudes
The videos below are recordings of etudes from Quarter Tone Technique for Saxophone, available on Amazon. These serve as a resource for learning how quarter tones sound in context and follow along with the sheet music as the performance unfolds.
If you’re a saxophonist that’s new to quarter tones, visit the introduction page for an overview of quarter tones, the suggested prerequisites page to see my recommendations on techniques you must master before learning quarter tones, and the Quarter Tone Technique for Saxophone book available on Amazon.

Now Playing
Arch Form Etude – Quarter Tone Etude for Saxophone
This is a quarter tone etude that appears in my book *Quarter Tone …

Now Playing
Theme and Variation Etude – Quarter Tone Etude for Saxophone
This is a quarter tone etude that appears in my book *Quarter Tone …

Now Playing
3/4 Octatonic Scale Etude – Quarter Tone Etude for Saxophone
This is a quarter tone etude that appears in my book *Quarter Tone …

Now Playing
Chaconne Etude – Quarter Tone Etude for Saxophone
This is a quarter tone etude that appears in my book *Quarter Tone …

Now Playing
Octatonic Major Etude – Quarter Tone Etude for Saxophone
This is a quarter tone etude that appears in my book *Quarter Tone …

Now Playing
Elongated Major Scale Etude – Quarter Tone Etude for Saxophone
This is a quarter tone etude that appears in my book *Quarter Tone …

Now Playing
Pentatonic Studies – Quarter Tone Etude for Saxophone
This is a quarter tone etude that appears in my book *Quarter Tone …

Now Playing
Large Interval Studies – Quarter Tone Etude for Saxophone
This is a quarter tone etude that appears in my book *Quarter Tone …

Now Playing
Free Form Etude – Quarter Tone Etude for Saxophone
This is a quarter tone etude that appears in my book *Quarter Tone …

Now Playing
Blues Etude – Quarter Tone Etude for Saxophone
This is a quarter tone etude that appears in my book *Quarter Tone …